
Seminar :  Best Practices In Molecular Monitoring of CML 

9-10th September 2013
DK 8, School of Medical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.



Only performed by our lab staff (AP Dr. Susan Bradford)
Sunday (8th September : pm)
(RNA extraction and running QPCR ) (closed)

Day 1 (9th September 2013) :  Monday

08.30 am : Registration
09.00 am : Diagnosis and monitoring of CML (AP Dr. Susan Bradford)
09.45 am : Photography session
10.00 am : Tea Break
10.30 am : Optimizing QPCR methods & Standardization to the International scale (AP Dr. Susan Bradford)
11.30 am : Management of CML : local experience (Dr. Azlan Hussin)
12.15 pm : Setting up QPCR lab : Current practice and challenges (Prof. Dr. Rosline Hassan)
01.00 pm : LUNCH
02.30 pm : Assuring the quality of test result (ABI representative)
03.15 pm : Case presentation (3 cases)
04.15 pm : Tea Break
04.30 pm : Round discussion (closed)

Day 2 (10th September 2013) : Tuesday

09.00 am  : Discontinuation of TKI and the role of mutation analysis (AP Dr. Susan Bradford)
09.45 am : Tea Break
10.15 am : Does presence of BCR/ABL Mutations in CML alone explain clinical resistance to Imatinib?  (Prof. Ravindran Ankathil)
11.15 am : Research discussion
12.30 pm : Lunch Break